Monday, November 10, 2014

Life, The We-niverse and Everything. Chapter 1

Since I’ve begun compiling the threads here according to topics, I think it’s only fair to do the same with the random thoughts I have regarding the little things that make life what it is. And as I believe that we are all connected, I have decided to adulterate Douglas Adams’ fine title ‘Life, The Universe and Everything’ a little to make it inclusive, hence the ‘We’ substituting what I read as the ‘You’ in Universe.

Let me get straight into today’s thoughts which began life in the fires of a verbal spat between me and the ex-wife. I was chastised by a number of people and in my usual manner, began to rebut… then stopped. The realisation came that it isn’t necessary to explain my words or my actions for they were sincerely mine. And so I became unattached to the situation - not detached for that implies a disconnect. This isn’t normally easy for me, one who is guided almost exclusively by my emotional self.

Becoming fully unattached needed help. And help came in the form of a decent Roti Chanai, a hot cup of Teh O and some quiet time this morning. And a few messages form Mei and some friends too. Then the seeds of a thought that had been planted the night before germinated.

The thought I had last night is simply this:

“If I truly believe in who I am, I don’t need the approval or validation of other people.”

Some people are naturally confident and self-assured. Some, like me, are less so. We may be confident in our ideas, our values or the thinking which we reflect, but we are less assured when it comes to the decisions we make, the interactions we build, or sometimes even the person we perceive we are. Ideas, by themselves are ethereal, flimsy, essentially fascinating but ultimately useless. Unless we act on them. And though we may be confident in our ideas, being less so in our actions means we ultimately fall some way short of being effective.

The thought from last night, watered by fish curry and Teh O, grew this morning into a particular sanguine feeling that replaced the turmoil from the night before. Other ideas and thoughts that had floated before me seemingly at random in the last few days suddenly reappeared and connected with last night’s thought.

"There's no disaster that can't become a blessing and no blessing that can't become a disaster."
"We are all creators. We create things, or we create ideas, or we create excuses.”
“How sad to be a man (or woman) who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing.” 
and so on…

It’s a beautiful morning out there. I’m going out to create some worthwhile things. And I am grateful for th opportunity that descended on me last night to learn more and to be a little more enlightened in this we-niverse of ours.

By the way, this isn’t a self-help blog. I merely jot down my thoughts and sometimes explain why they seem significant to me. If they have meaning for you too, then I am grateful for that and thankful you have navigated here. Do leave a kind word...

If, on the other hand, this is all utter rubbish to you, I am grateful too that you have either found a different reality that makes sense to you, or that at least you’ve added 1 to the visitor numbers here.


  1. I was up at about 3 am my time and saw the last couple of posts and felt for you. I had wondered if there had been something that kicked it off and you've answered it because it looked like something out of the ordinary had happened. We remain human and respond in human ways when we get upset. And continue to grow and learn. I used to bottle up my upsets and without some release, it would eat at me until boom. Now I know that smaller booms prevent bigger. You seem to have worked out the most important things and many of the smaller, so this is just a friendly arm across the shoulder saying, "Yes, life happens, we act, we learn and become better people."

    1. What a beautiful response, Peter. Spot on on all the key things. Thanks, mate - I've been given a few friendly arms across the shoulder and appreciate yours very much. :-)
