Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Mum-meries 4: The Wedding Dinner

OK so my brother Tony reminded me of more of my mother’s absent-mindedness. To be fair she wasn’t often absent-minded, and in this instance was accompanied by my Dad.

The story is a very short one. My parents were invited to a wedding dinner. Distant relatives’ son or daughter - you know how it is. So on the day, my parents turned up at the restaurant and entered the dining hall. I guess in those days it was not quite so common to have registration or even ushers so they made their way to a table and sat down. They did recognise one or two people, people they probably would see only at weddings and funerals. They didn’t know many others, but again this wasn’t surprising.

So they sat through dinner, making small talk, and when the festivities were over, they trooped out along with the other guests. At the door they realised the restaurant was actually hosting two events that night. Both wedding dinners. And a sign pointed down the corridor to the wedding dinner my parents should have been attending.

I believe they made a discreet exit...

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